Meet the 2022 – 2023 ACES Ambassadors

Paulina Alvarez

Major: University Studies (General Eds.)

Why did you want to be an ENMU-R ACES Ambassador? I felt that being an ambassador would allow me to benefit my campus, classmates and my community.

What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? My favorite thing about ENMU-R is how focus concentrated the classrooms are in teacher to student ratio.

Fun Fact about yourself: A fun fact about me is that I am vegetarian!

Advice for our students: After I graduated high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do in life or what educational path I wanted to pursue, so to students who may feel the same way, take a chance on ENMU-R. We have so many amazing programs and certifications that will guide you to the right path!​

Joseph Villa

Major: Graphic Design.

Why did you want to be an ENMU-R ACES Ambassador? Being a growing graphic designer, I wanted to gain experience in a professional setting with networking and coordination.

What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? My favorite thing is ease of access for information on campus; everyone is friendly and welcoming, which makes it simple to resolve issues.

Fun Fact about yourself: I like Star Wars a lot. To the point of having a bookshelf full of Star Wars media and wanting to learn the whole story.

Advice for our students: Set aside focused time for your tasks. Do not delay too much, for new problems could arise, in turn lowering your chance for a good grade. Efficient time management is crucial. Ask questions, constantly.

Guadalupe Ibarra

Major: Business Administration

Why did you want to be an ENMU-R ACES Ambassador? To connect with other students and network with the college.

What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? The assistance and opportunities that are offered.

Fun Fact about yourself: I made my final decision my career path in real estate because of Phil Dunphy in Modern Family.

Advice for our students: Take advantage of the opportunities the school has to offer and focus on the progress.

Alejandro Saz

Major: Business Administration

Why did you join the ACES Ambassador team? I joined the ACES team to become more involved in the community and develop my leadership skills. Not only was I able to achieve these goals, but I also developed lasting friendships, gained valuable work experience, participated in countless activities in and around ENMU-R.

What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? My favorite aspect of ENMU-R is the support system made available to students. Professors are always eager to help in any way they can, tutoring services are very easy to access, and we, as ambassadors, are here to support all students and guide them on a path to success.

Fun Fact about yourself: I’ve been teaching myself to play the piano for around four years, and I am now learning guitar.

Advice for students: Make the most out of your time here. There are tutoring services available to students, fun clubs you can join, student outreach events, and many more activities you can be part of. The faculty and staff, including us, are eager to help students.

Emilio Bustillos

Major: University Studies

Why did you Join the ACES Ambassador Team? I joined the ACES to branch out in my professional development and to broaden my skills

What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? The new Student Lounge

Fun Fact about yourself: My favorite newly discovered artist at the moment is Xavier Omar

Advice for students: Don’t feel ashamed to ask questions.

Teresa Cox

Major: Medical Assisting

Why did you join the ACES Ambassador team? I joined the ACES Ambassador team so I could get more involved in the student campus life and reach out to our community.

What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? My favorite thing about ENMU-R is the helpful resources that are all around campus. Such as the technology, pantry/cafeteria, library, various areas to sit and relax or study, and the amazing helping staff that is around campus.

Fun Fact about yourself: I love to serve people whether it’s at work or in my community (especially at church). I feel that it is better to give then to receive, especially seeing how people react to being served is very heartwarming to me.

Advice for students: Always be friendly to people you come across because you never know how much you can impact their lives!

Emery Carter

Major: Undecided

Why did you join the ACES Ambassador team? I was looking for a job at the time but I didn’t want anything crazy. Ms. Tyrah came into my class and was talking about the program and I was one of two people in the room. It felt really right to me and the timing was just perfect!


What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? I love all the different places to sit and do homework or just relax between classes.


Fun Fact about yourself: I ride an electric unicycle.


Advice for students: Teachers are there to help you learn, not make you feel bad for not understanding. Ask them for help!

Lei Carradine Maslian

Major: Associate in Graphic Design

Why did you join the ACES Ambassador team? I joined the ACES Ambassadors because I saw it as an opportunity to help others and as an opportunity to work on myself to be a better student.

What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? My favorite thing about ENMU-R is the opportunities that the college gives to students.

Fun Fact about yourself: A fun fact about myself is that I can solve a Rubik’s cube.

Advice for students: My advice for students is to be themselves. We are all different from one another, so do your thing, and you’ll get to where you want to be.

Megan Husby

Major: Graphic Design

Why did you join the ACES Ambassador team? I joined the ACES Ambassador team to be more involved with ENMU-R activities and to gain experience.

What is your favorite thing about ENMU-R? My favorite thing about ENMU-R is probably the campus.

Fun Fact about yourself: I’m left-handed

Advice for Students: My advice for students would be to value your time.