Tuition and Fees

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell

Financial Aid Office

Tuition and Fees

Financial Aid
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Tuition and fees are payable at the time of registration unless prior arrangements have been made. ENMU-Roswell has a Deferred Tuition Payment Policy. Please ask at the Business office for details. Students are not officially enrolled until their registration receipts are validated by the Business office. Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice by the Board of Regents of ENMU.

Notice: Students not attending classes must personally withdraw through Student Services, or they will owe the full amount of tuition.

Void Process

The University reserves the right to void the registration of any student who fails to pay, when due, any indebtedness to the University. Academic credits, transcripts, and diplomas will be withheld until all financial obligations are met. Students are prohibited from registering for a semester until all previous semester accounts are paid in full.

Voided students will have the opportunity to re-enroll, but will not be guaranteed the same class schedule. Students must demonstrate financial commitment at the time of re-enrollment.

Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice by the Board of Regents of ENMU.

The three (3) categories of residency for tuition and fees at ENMU-Roswell are:

  1. Resident, In-District - For all official residents of Chaves County.
  2. Resident, Out-of-District - For all official residents of the State of New Mexico, outside of Chaves County.
  3. Nonresident - For all students who have not established official residency in the state of New Mexico.

Tuition and Fees

Students Carrying 12 or More Semester Hours

Resident, In-District
2023-24 Academic Year
Tuition $936.00
Fees $192.00
Total $1,128.00

Resident, Out-of-District
2023-24 Academic Year
Tuition $1,020.00
Fees $192.00
Total $1,212.00

2023-24 Academic Year
Tuition $2,616.00
Fees $192.00
Total $2,808.00

Flat Rate Western Undergraduate Exchange
2023-24 Academic Year
Tuition $1,530.00
Fees $192.00
Total $1,722.00

Students Carrying 11 or Fewer Semester Hours

Resident, In-District
2023-24 Academic Year
Tuition $78.00
Fees $16.00
Total $94.00

Resident, Out-of-District
2023-24 Academic Year
Tuition $85.00
Fees $16.00
Total $101.00

2023-24 Academic Year
Tuition $218.00
Fees $16.00
Total $234.00

Western Undergraduate Exchange
2023-24 Academic Year
Tuition per credit hour $127.50
Fees per credit hour $16.00
Total $143.50

The Tech Fee is $15.00 (More Than 3 hours Enrollment)

Tuition Overloads

Students who register for 12 to 18 hours will pay a flat rate. Any overload rates begin at 19 hours and are charged at a per credit hour rate.

Note: Tuition and fees are set by the Board of Regents and are subject to change. Refer to the appropriate class schedule for the current fee structure.

Non-resident students are charged resident, out-of-district rates for the summer session and when taking 6 credit hours or less in a fall or spring semester.

Distance Education Fee for students enrolled in online courses and off-campus ITV- $10/credit hour

See Special Course Fees also under the Tuition/Fees main tab.

Special Service Fee

Special Service Fee is $88.55 per credit hour in addition to the basic tuition rate.

Residency Requirements for Tuition

For tuition purposes, the Higher Education Department defines a resident as a financially independent adult over 18 years of age who has lived in New Mexico for at least one year prior to the semester for which resident status is requested.

The Higher Education Department has published a brochure which outlines the regulations and exceptions governing residency requirements for tuition. Copies are available in the Admissions and Records Office.

Students who wish to change their official residency status must complete a "Petition for In-State Tuition Classification" form available at the Admissions and Records Office. A change of official residency status is never automatic and it is always the student's responsibility to initiate the petition.